Friday, 8 February 2013

Music Video Analysis: Without Me by Eminem

Song Title: Without Me
Artist: Eminem

Target Audience: Adults aged 20-35

Narrative/Concept/Performance: The narrative is like a comic book with comic book style font and boxes appearing at the top of each of the clips to indicate this. The narrative of the music video is that a underage boy has bought Eminem's album whilst his mother is distracted. Eminem's accomplice Dr Dre calls him in and reports to him the problem which has arisen. Eminem and Dr Dre jump into their super hero outfits and head for the boy's house before he plays the CD. Surrounding this narrative is other smaller narratives such as: "The Slim Shady" in a mental institute, Eminem on a domestic chat show, Eminem on a reality TV show, Elvis Presley parody on the news and Eminem at a yoga event. These are all part of the comic book narrative.
Their is concept's of slapstick comedy in this music video when Eminem gets his comical signs saying "POW" or "BOOM" appear. Their is also performance in the video when Eminem is dressed in his own clothes rapping on the grey screen.

Genre: Comedy
Youtube View Count: 100,006,037

Like and Dislike Ratio: Likes:   Dislikes:6,208
Representation- Who? What? and How?: Their are some controversial representations in this music video. Elvis Presley is represented as he was rumoured to have died; eating a burger on the toilet. In the toilet is Eminem on a reality TV show which degrades reality TV shows representing them as poor quality and not entertaining. Youth is represented as disobedient and able to purchase adult items without anybody caring. Al Queida and Bin Laden in particular is represented as surrendering as soon as their is any resistance from America and they can all get along if necessary. 

  • Comic Books
  • Super Heroes
  • Reality TV Shows
  • Crime
  • Law and Order
  • Justice
Personal and Emotional Response: I personally laugh when I see the music video because of the comedy inside. I am a bit surprised how controversial the video is and in particular the Bin Laden segment who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

-Settings and Props: Eminem's bedroom looks like a superheroes hideout with its red walls and pirate like bed and sword cross artifacts on the walls. When Eminem is getting rushed in the hospital, he is wearing a neck brace and a hospital style bed. In the end segment, it is set in a cave and indicates the difference to American life.
-Character and Performance: Eminem is acting much more lively than his sidekick Dr Dre. Eminem's body emotions are dramatic which adds to the comedy effect with his hands waving everywhere.
-Costume, Hair and Make Up: Eminem's costume is similar to Robin's and is a clear superhero style outfit. Dr Dre's outfit is a black leather coat possibly indicating he does not have super powers. Elvis Presley's parody's outfit is also very similar to what Elvis Presley wore indicating who he is.

-Lighting and Colours: Depending on the narrative the lighting changes, the main narrative is mostly dark when Eminem is on his way to the boys house. Other times such as on the reality TV show and in Elvis's bathroom the lighting is brighter.
Diegetic and Non Diegetic Sound: The only diegetic sound in the music video is at the start when the man is counting down from 5. The rest of the song is built up of non-diegetic sound of the song.
Editing: The editing in the music video is mainly super-imposed comic like text, with boxes surrounding it on each clip. Other editing includes a spinning E on the grey screen when Eminem is rapping. Shot reverse shots between Eminem and Dr Dre as well as Jump cuts.

Camera Work: Their is often low angle or worms eye view shots of Eminem to show his dominance as a super hero. Other low angle shots include Elvis Presley possibly referring to him as the King which he is believed to be by many.

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